Three Common Questions on Air Duct Cleaning
Air duct cleaning is a subject that many families are discussing this summer, especially with the rising temperatures and the increase in allergens within their home systems. Many homeowners are discovering that their air duct systems are no longer performing to peak capacity and they’re receiving less value for their investment in energy. To help respond to this common problem, it’s important to analyze air duct cleaning services and what these services might bring to the home. In this post, the team here at Soil Away examines three common questions on air duct cleaning.
1. How Often Should the Average Air Duct System Be Cleaned?
The answer to this question is widely debated within the industry, but the predominant answer is two-to-four years depending on the conditions within the environment. Elements that might lead homeowners to considering having their air duct system cleaned more frequently might include: having smokers in the household, owning pets that shed hair, recent home renovations and residents with allergies. Cleaning an air duct system can help resolve challenges with airborne contaminants and provide a clean environment that the entire family can enjoy.
2. What is the Best Criteria for Selecting an Air Duct Cleaning Company?
It’s important to consider the process in selecting air duct cleaning companies before reviewing the marketplace. There are thousands of companies offering the service in the U.S. and only some of these companies can be trusted to offer the highest value service. Factors to consider when making the decision on an air duct cleaning company include the following: certification with NACDA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association), access to high caliber equipment, licensing, and experience. Experience is especially critical when choosing an air duct cleaning company. Homeowners must consider whether the firm has the requisite experience to complete a comprehensive cleaning job on their property. In many cases a background of at least 5 years’ experience in the industry is required.
3. Will Air Duct Cleaning Help Improve the Efficiency of my Air Ducts?
This is one of the first questions many homeowners will consider when reviewing the decision to undergo air duct cleaning. And research by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has shown that air duct cleaning can allow systems to run more efficiency. In addition, the research shows that the air duct cleaning process can also ensure greater lifetime performance from air systems. This means homeowners can consolidate their month-to-month costs while significantly improving the value of their home equipment.
Working with a qualified air duct cleaning company can ensure all questions are answered based on proven industry experience. We work in and around Manchester, Concord and Nashua as well as Northern MA. To learn more on air duct cleaning and its advantages, contact our team here at Soil Away directly via 603-301-4857.