The Most Common Locations For Home Mold Growth
Out of all of the problems that homeowners would want to deal with, we’re willing to bet mold growth isn’t high on the list! Especially since it is one of the world’s most common allergens, it’s not to be taken lightly. It can even cause structural issues if it is allowed to spread! The best way to avoid any of the problems associated with mold growth is through prevention. Knowledge is key for this purpose, so you should have an idea of where mold most commonly grows. We’ll give you a guide to the most common areas for mold growth below!
Your Bathroom
It should go without saying that the areas most prone to mold growth will be the ones that generate the most moisture. Your bathroom is a prime suspect for this! When examining your bathroom for mold, check your showers, tubs, and sinks first. Also, make sure to check the floors around them! Water can spill around these areas when you’re washing your hands or brushing your teeth. When you take a shower, make sure to open a window or use a fan to help keep excess moisture at bay.
Your Kitchen
It may sound gross, but mold has plenty of opportunities to grow in your kitchen! With the heat that comes from cooking and the moisture from washing dishes, you need to do what you can to keep it in check. You could find it underneath your sink by checking the pipe that runs underneath it. Also, check around your refrigerator and freezer. You shouldn’t have any food that has passed its expiration date – mold loves to grow on this aged food! Make sure to drain your sponges after use as well.
Your Energy Systems
Things like your AC unit, water heater, or boiler aren’t foolproof! If they aren’t working properly, mold growth can be an uncomfortable side effect. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to tell if your systems aren’t working. If your drains are clogged, your air quality is poor, or you’re getting uneven temperatures throughout your home, an HVAC professional can fix it! If you let these issues linger, however, mold could start to grow uninterrupted. As long as you are on top of your repairs, you should be all set!
Mold Remediation Work With Soil-Away
In the worst-case scenario, mold is an especially ugly problem to deal with. However, you shouldn’t have to let it linger for long! The mold professionals at Soil-Away can successfully identify and remediate mold growth. You’ll never have to worry about the side effects with us! Don’t leave mold growth to chance – contact us today to stop it in its tracks!