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Tag: Mold testing

A young woman looks under her kitchen sink in horror as she finds mold growing in the white cabinets below it

The Homeowner’s Guide To Springtime Mold

If you were to ask homeowners what problem they feared the most, many of them would likely point to mold growth. After all, mold can be extremely dangerous! Many people are allergic to it, which can cause respiratory problems regardless of tolerance. This is why trying to prevent mold growth throughout the year is important. As spring gets into full swing, the opportunities for mold growth become much more abundant. We give you a guide to springtime mold and how to prevent its spread below! How...

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A woman looks shocked as she notices mold on the corner of the white wall in front of her

How To Tell If You Have A Mold Problem Without Seeing It

{ "@context": "", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "How To Tell If You Have A Mold Problem Without Seeing It", "step": [{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "You Notice A Foul Smell" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Allergy Flareups" },{ "@type": "HowToStep", "text": "Examining Your Home’s Past" }] } One of the most challenging things about owning a home is dealing with the unforeseen problems that can arise. Plenty of things can rear...

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mold remediation bedford nh

Basement Mold Remediation

Moisture-prone areas and limited sunlight make optimal conditions for mold growth.  These conditions are often seen in basements, where mold can easily grow and thrive in dark corners unnoticed.  Once discovered, it is important that the mold is removed, taking into consideration your health and the spread of the spores through the air during the process.  A company experienced in mold remediation can ensure that this is done properly.

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Doctor’s Office Receives Mold Remediation – Manchester, NH

Who Is the Best Mold Removal Company?

When hiring a mold removal company, it is critical that you choose a company with experience, the right equipment and proper insurance.  Mold remediation can be a complicated process, depending on the type of mold and extent of its growth.  A mold remediation company, like the mold removal experts at Soil-Away, understands the best way to remove all of the mold and its accompanying spores.  This will ensure that the mold is removed entirely and is not spread to other areas through...

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Doctor’s Office Receives Mold Remediation – Manchester, NH

Mold Remediation Specialist

Growing in a home or business, mold is much more than an eyesore or an indication that a good cleaning is needed.  While most types of mold are more of a nuisance, this can be an indicator of a water problem.  Some molds can even be detrimental to a person’s health, particularly when the spores are airborne and breathed in.  Regardless of the type of mold, it is important to fully remove it and cautions must be taken to ensure that the mold spores do not carry through the air to other parts of...

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How Do I Clean Up Mold

How Do I Clean Up Mold?

Borax, a white powder that can be found in with laundry detergent is a good option for DIY mold removal.  Mix the borax powder with one gallon of hot water.  You can then apply the mixture to the area, scrubbing until the mold disappears.  The borax does not need to be rinsed off, as the residual will act as a deterrent to keep the mold from reappearing.  Other substances that can treat mold include baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Make sure areas are properly dried so that residual...

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Who should I hire to remove mold from my attic NEW HAMPSHIRE

Who Should I Hire to Remove Mold from My Attic?

When hiring a company to remove mold from your attic, you should find a company that is affordable, reputable, and has experienced technicians.  Serious mold removal is not typically a do-it-yourself job.  Anticipate investing time and money into getting rid of the mold and bringing your house back to its pre-mold state.  Choosing the wrong company can negatively impact your property and cause mold to spread.  The more mold cross-contaminates your space, the greater you and...

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Doctor’s Office Receives Mold Remediation – Manchester, NH

Doctor’s Office Mold Remediation – Manchester, NH

A leaky pipe leads to mold.  It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?  Leaky pipes are one of the primary causes for mold development.   The maintenance workers at a doctor’s office in Manchester, NH did not notice sections of their office walls becoming saturated with water until it was too late.  Because of all the moisture, mold developed throughout areas of the wall.  This has left a musty smell throughout the office.  Not wanting to make sicknesses even worse...

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Professional mold removal – Kennebunk, Maine

Professional Mold Removal – Kennebunk, Maine

M-O-L-D: Mold can be a problem. However, believe it or not, mold is everywhere. Much of it is found outdoors. It can be carried indoors through windows, doors, the HVAC systems, on peoples clothing as well as on pets. On its own it’s not really a problem. When it attaches to moist objects and the mold spores begin to grow and spread – then, you have a problem. If excessive mold growth is found inside a property a professional mold removal company is typically the remedy. Mold is a destructive...

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mold remediation bedford nh

Selling a House with Mold – Bedford, NH

The potential is there for mold to be found in nearly every home. Where there is any amount of moisture, mold can grow. However, the real estate community has become more and more aware of severe mold concerns. Mold can cause health problems and considerable liability issues for the sellers of homes containing mold. Selling a house with mold can cause many complications.

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Mold Cleanup Contractor – Kittery, Maine

Mold Cleanup Contractor – Kittery, Maine

Winter is approaching in Kittery, ME! You’ve been slogging through your fall cleanup list! You head to the basement where you store seasonal items. As the basement door opens a sour, musty smell strikes you. What is the source of the odor? You notice dark, slimy stains on the lower wall. Searching your mind for a cause, you remember an exceptionally rainy day sometime back. Mold grows in moist areas. Heavy rainfall and a foundation leak could definitely be the cause.  It can affect any area...

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mold removal company wells, me

Mold Removal Company Hired in Wells, ME

After a storm hit Wells, ME, a warehouse was flooded and had several areas of water damage.  The managers of the warehouse hired a company to come and clean up the damage, but unaware to everyone, the cleanup was not thorough.  A few days later, mold started to develop.  The contents stored within the warehouse was becoming contaminated and some of it had to be thrown away, causing the warehouse to lose revenue.

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