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Tag: insurance agent

Dealing with Melting Snow and Flooded Basements

The Five E’s of Dealing with Melting Snow and Flooded Basements

Heavy snowfall this winter will result in a watery mess this spring. A commonly accepted model is that 10 inches of snow equates to 1 inch of water content. Many areas of southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts have had 70 to 100+ inches of snow this season. It will melt eventually. The pressing question is how quickly will it melt? A “fast melt” could be devastating as both public and private drainage systems and infrastructures are not designed to sustain such an influx of...

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prevent frozen pipes and water damage

How to Prevent Pipes from Freezing: Guest Blog by Eaton & Berube Insurance

Guest Blog: The following tip is courtesy of our friends at Eaton & Berube Insurance.   Winter weather in New Hampshire can cause significant property damage. Freezing temperatures and heavy snowfalls should encourage you to take certain precautions to winter-proof your home. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), frozen pipes represent one of the biggest property damage risks associated with dropping temperatures. In fact, a burst pipe can...

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Fire Damage Repair- Hampton, NH

Fire Damage Repair- Hampton, NH

Who would have thought that a candle, a cat, and a curtain could do so much damage? The combination of the three did not seem a likely possibility until looking at the situation in hindsight. A major house fire was ultimately the result. A burning candle was knocked over by the house cat. A nearby curtain caught on fire. Half the house was ignited in flames. Smoke billowed from the structure as emergency service personnel battled the raging fire. After what seemed like an eternity, the fire...

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Soil-Away Adds Revolutionary Contents Restoring Technology

Hooksett, NH – Soil-Away has expanded the company’s contents facility by adding a revolutionary soft contents restoration technology. According to Founder Jack Solloway the patented restoration technology, known as the Esporta Wash System ™, will enable them to restore 85% of damaged contents that are typically deemed irreparable and thrown out.

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Insurance Agency Endorses Soil-Away

Hudson, NH – Most recently The French Insurance Agency of Hudson, NH acknowledged Soil-Away as their preferred vendor for water and fire damage restoration services. Insurance agents are often contacted by their clients following a water or fire damage situation. The claims process can be challenging, but is an opportunity for the agency’s customer service to shine. Having a strong relationship with a local cleaning and restoration firm, like Soil-Away, only helps the process. For claims...

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