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Tag: Flood Water Removal

water damage cleanup - salem, nh

Water Damage Cleanup – Salem, New Hampshire

“Help! I need water damage cleanup immediately!” This is what a Salem, New Hampshire woman yelled to her friend over the phone. She knew that her friend would know exactly what to do. She suffered a water loss recently and recovered quickly with a positive attitude about her experience, so she called to get a referral from someone she trusted. After hearing the details about the situation, her friend recommended Soil-Away Cleaning and Restoration Services for help. The homeowner was...

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water damage cleanup company - hollis, nh

Water Damage Cleanup Company – Hollis, NH

Excessive rain in Hollis, NH, left a farm in need of a water damage cleanup company.  Upon inspection of the property, the owners of the farm realized massive ground water flooding was damaging the inside of their barns and farmhouse.  Because there was so much flooding in their yard, many crops were ruined. The property owners were dealing with damage to both their terrain and buildings. Routine Maintenance Limits the Need for a Water Damage Cleanup Company There is no way to...

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emergency water damage cleanup - portland maine

Emergency Water Damage Cleanup – Portland, ME

A laundromat in Portland, ME had a washing machine that overflowed, leaving a large puddle of water on the newly installed wood floors.  When one of the workers saw it had overflowed, they quickly turned the appliance off.  But damage had been done.  The floors were now flooded, and the owners of the laundromat realized that they needed an emergency water damage cleanup.

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reparing flood damage Windham NH

Repairing Flood Damage – Windham, NH

When water damage strikes, it can have devastating circumstances on the people and communities it hits. On a small scale it can flood a basement. On a large scale, regional flooding can cripple a city, even Windham NH, socially, economically and environmentally. One of the largest challenges of dealing with this unfortunate circumstance is repairing flood damage to personal property.

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Flood Damage Repairs - Kennebunkport, ME

Flood Damage Repairs – Kennebunkport, ME

A business chain in Kennebunkport, ME is preparing for a summer storm.  The business owners expect that flooding may occur and they want to take precautionary measures to prevent damage. New England storms can be dangerous, especially when they cause storm surge.  Storm surge is when the sea level rises due to low pressure, high winds, and strong waves created from hurricane activity.  Previously, a storm surge led to flooding in Kennebunkport, ME, causing many homes and...

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Hiring a Water Damage Mitigation Company in South Berwick, ME

Hiring a Water Damage Mitigation Company in South Berwick, ME

While Maine offers beautiful landscapes and scenery, houses and commercial properties throughout York, County are susceptible to water damage from natural causes. Issues such as flooding, nor’easters, freezing temperatures and rainstorms are a real threat.  The residents of these properties will look to seek out a water damage mitigation company if their home or business has been damaged.

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Flood Damage Mitigation Company – York, Maine

Flood Damage Mitigation Company – York, Maine

Floods can cause a great deal of damage wherever you reside; this includes York, Maine. Whether the damage comes from a burst pipe, an overflowing toilet or sink, or a natural disaster such as a flood, hurricane or nor’easter, there is still a lot of damage that has to be repaired. Depending on the scope of the disaster, it may be in your best interest to hire a flood damage mitigation company.

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Flood Damage Restoration Service – Berwick, ME

Flood Damage Restoration Service – Berwick, ME

After a long winter, just after the snow and ice has melted, the owners arrived to their seasonal business in Berwick, Maine.  They are eager to prepare and clean up the property for the summer, only to find that it was flooded.  The owners of the business now seek a flood damage restoration service to restore the facility back to its pre-flooded state.

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Flood Water Extraction – Nashua, NH

Flood Water Extraction – Nashua, NH

Big storms equal big damage to properties in our region. Residents of Nashua NH know this all too well and do the best they can to protect themselves from these natural disasters. There’s only so much they can do if they happen to be in the path of the oncoming storm: listen to the radio; heed the warnings of the announcer; board up and sandbag their homes; move to higher ground; try to protect themselves and family and BE SAFE. While they can shelter themselves the best they can and run for...

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flood and storm damage cleanup NH

Best ways to stay safe during a hurricane or nor’easter

Every season in New Hampshire brings weather challenges. Spring rains can cause flooding. In the summer, thunderstorms appear out of nowhere, at times leaving us without power. Fall is the time for hurricanes. Winters bring nor’easters burying us in snow and knocking down trees. No matter what time of year it is, we are not really completely safe from Mother Nature’s wrath. We can’t stop Mother Nature, but there are precautions we can take and ways to stay safe during violent storms such as a...

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Property Disaster Restoration - Manchester, NH

Property Disaster Restoration – Manchester, NH

Water damage can affect homes in many different ways, from leaky pipes to rainstorms to floods.  Often, the damage is sudden and destructive.  Depending on the severity, the damage can leave your home in disarray, resulting with serious problems such as crumbling drywall, warped wood floors, and damaged carpet.  In a mess such as this, immediate property disaster restoration is necessary in order to prevent water damage from further destroying your home.

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