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Tag: Flood repairs

Flood Damage Repair Contractor

What to Look for in a Flood Damage Repair Contractor

When a flood has damaged your home or business, time is of the essence.  It is important that the contractor you choose responds immediately to begin the restoration process.  The company should be certified, carry adequate insurance and have the necessary training and experience to address the situation quickly.  An experienced restoration company can help you to navigate the process of filing an insurance claim as well.

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Fire and Water Damage Repair- Derry, NH

Fire and Water Damage Repair – Derry, NH

The need for fire and water damage repair was not at the top of the year’s to-do list for one building owner. A science facility in Derry, NH which they owned experienced a huge fire in one of its labs.  Faculty evacuated the building quickly, and thankfully no one was hurt, but the fire caused serious damage to the lab.  The smoke and excessive heat triggered the interior sprinklers. Several of the building occupants tried to put out the fire themselves. Fortunately the firefighters came...

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storm damage repair NH

How do I Repair My Home After Hurricane Damage?

You’ve followed all the steps to protect yourself and your family before the hurricane hit. Now it’s over, you’ve survived the storm. Your family is safe. Now you must deal with the aftermath; repairing your home. Hurricanes cause approximately $10 billion in damages in the United States every year. It’s important to know how to repair your home after a hurricane has ravaged it.

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Property Repair After a Flood - Hampton, NH

Property Repair After a Flood – Hampton, NH

A family in Hampton, NH enters their basement to find that it has been flooded with water.  The family is devastated from the water damage.  Many of their cherished belongings are submerged in the disgusting murky water and may never be the same if they aren’t cleaned and dried as quickly as possible.  The family seeks property repair after a flood.

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Cleaning up after Water Damage - Windham, NH 03087

Cleaning up after Water Damage – Windham, NH 03087

Here in Windham, New Hampshire (NH) residents are accustomed to unpredictable weather patterns and storms that contain heavy precipitation and high winds. The aftermath often results in cleaning up after water damage. So what do you do when the weather forecast predicts a coastal rainstorm that has NH in the projected path? According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there was over $1.8 million dollars in property damage in 2015 due to flash flooding, and over $15...

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Flood Damage Repair – Concord, NH 03301

Flood Damage Repair – Concord, NH 03301

Water can be a destructive force when not controlled in a property. A break in a pipe, leak in an air conditioner or failure in a hot-water tank can all spell disaster for any Concord, New Hampshire home owner. Wise property owners are diligent about keeping up with maintenance and regular inspections to avoid such situations. They know that the need for flood damage repair can be both costly and frustrating. In this blog, we evaluate how having a damage prevention plan for your property can...

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flood damage cleanup frozen pipe

Yikes! Frozen Pipes! Don't Let Freezing Temperatures Lead to Frozen Pipes – Part II

Have you ever woken-up on a chilly winter morning and discovered the pipes in your house were frozen? You turn the knobs on the bathroom sink in frustration, hoping that water will eventually trickle out, but nothing happens. This situation is one that I experienced numerous times as a child, as the pipes in the attic would frequently freeze. While frozen pipes are something many home or business owners never want to experience, it does happen quite often here in New Hampshire (NH), as...

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House Flood Clean Up Services – Raymond, NH

House Flood Clean Up Services – Raymond, NH

Most people do not put hiring a flood clean up services company at the top of their daily to-do list. When the need does arise to have emergency water damage clean up at your home you are not likely having a good day. A flood at your home is a very challenging and stressful situation. The damages that occur to the structure and your belongings can be devastating. Fortunately there are companies that specialize in helping you recover from property disaster. Soil-Away Cleaning and Restoration...

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Black Mold Clean Up – Candia, NH

Black Mold Clean Up – Candia, NH

No one ever wants to deal with a black mold clean up problem. The projects can be scary to homeowners because of potential health issues, unexpected costs and disruption to everyday life. With all the hype surrounding mold people often become paralyzed when making decisions on how to deal with black mold in their home. This article is a case study of a Candia, New Hampshire (NH) family who encountered a black mold clean up issue in the middle of a major home renovation. The family called...

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