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Tag: fire safety

Fire and Smoke Damage - Portland, ME

Fire and Smoke Damage – Portland, ME

A house in Portland, ME has fire and smoke damage after a large fire started from an air conditioner malfunction.  The fire occurred while the family was asleep.  The smoke detectors inside the house were not working properly, so the fire was able to spread throughout much of the house unheard.  Thankfully, the family woke up when they smelled the smoke.  Quickly, they rushed their pets outside and called for help.  If they were minutes later, they could have been...

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Space Heater

Be Aware of These Home Heat Sources for Fire and Smoke Damage Prevention

A fire can develop and spread very quickly in a home.  Many homeowners may be putting their home at risk through everyday actions and not even realize it.  In some cases the fire and smoke damage could have been prevented if the homeowner was aware of heat sources in the home that could be increasing their risk. 

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safety issues after a fire nh

Safety Issues After a House Fire

An unattended frying pan erupted in flames; faulty wiring ravaged your house burning everything in its way; your chimney failed sending soot backflowing into your home. Any one of these scenarios could have been what caused such devastation. The bottom line is that your home was damaged by fire. Whether it was contained to one room or traveled to other areas; you still have a mess on your hands. The fire was extinguished, but your problems are far from over. You are now plagued with smoke...

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fire damage prevention at work

Protecting against fires in the workplace

You enter your workplace. Greeting your coworkers, you make your way to your workspace to clock in. The warm scent of freshly brewed coffee hits your nose as you enter the breakroom. Grabbing a cup from the cupboard you pick up the pot, anxious for the crisp flavor of your morning coffee. You head back to your desk, coffee in hand. Time rushes on and soon you will be heading home; another productive day at work. Only fifteen minutes to go. You head out toward the breakroom when suddenly; a...

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fire damage at business NH

How Does Smoke Damage Affect Your Business?

Fire and smoke damage can be disastrous to your home or office. Fire travels through the building in mere minutes and penetrates flooring, walls and ceilings. Smoke is a combination of particles and chemicals caused by incomplete burning of carbon-containing constituents. If your home or office has been through a fire you need to know how smoke damage can affect your business.

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Fire in Kitchen

Auburn, NH Family Learns How to Prevent Future Fires in Their Home

Fires can leave a trail of devastation for homeowners, not only with the damage to the home itself but the family’s belongings. While insurance can go a long way to making the homeowner whole again, it can be difficult overcoming the emotional hurdles of losing those sentimental items. As an Auburn, NH family learned after a small fire in their home, it is well worth the effort for every homeowner to take some necessary precautions to prevent house fires.

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Cleanup After a Fire - Nashua, NH

Cleanup After a Fire – Nashua, NH

Your Nashua, New Hampshire (NH) business has had a successful year thus far, filled with customer satisfaction and financial growth. You anticipate finishing the year strong, until your business falls victim to an unexpected fire caused by an unattended space heater that was accidentally left on overnight. Fear, confusion and uncertainty ensue, as you ponder over the cleanup process and how to get your business back on track. How did you find yourself in this position? How will you ever...

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Fire Damage Restoration Service - Auburn, NH 03032

Fire Damage Restoration Service – Auburn, NH 03032

What do cooking grills, stoves, power cord strips and space heaters all have in common? The ability to produce unwanted flames resulting in the need to utilize a fire damage restoration service. These everyday items can be found in many New Hampshire (NH) homes and businesses, as they add convenience and simplicity to our busy lives. While cooking a family dinner on the stove or plugging-in multiple power cords into a power strips is performed daily without a second thought, a fire emergency...

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Fire Damage - Amherst, NH 03031

Fire Damage Cleanup – Amherst, NH 03031

According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), in 2015, there were over 1.3 million fires reported in the United States with roughly $14 billion dollars in property damage. This devastating disaster can strike a home or business at any time, oftentimes without warning, leaving property owners feeling overwhelmed, panicked and uncertain of what the next steps are. Whether your home or business falls victim to a fire, soot or smoke damage, Soil-Away Restoration Services are here for...

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fire damage nh

Have a Fireplace? Here is What You Should NOT be Putting in it.

Many New Hampshire residents are staying warm this winter season by loading up their fireplace with the wood they’ve spent all season cutting, and hoping it lasts long enough to burn away the winter blues. While having a fireplace is a great way to keep your home warm during the winter season, do you know what items are safe to burn? Or better yet, what items you shouldn’t burn in your fireplace? This may seem like a very simple question for some, but for others, throwing some of the wood...

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Fire Restoration Services – Manchester, NH

Home Heat Sources that Can Result in Fire and Soot Damage

The temperatures outside, while not quite freezing yet, are starting to drop dramatically and homeowners are switching on the heat to combat these temperatures. With the price of fuel today many also begin to seek alternative sources to supplement their home’s heating system during these winter months. These types of alternative heat sources may also come with serious fire risks that you should be aware of if not taking the proper precautions.

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Fall Maintenance Checklist to Avoid Fire and Water Damage

To New Hampshire and Massachusetts homeowners it often seems like there is no season with a longer to-do list around the house than fall. But do you have the most critical action items on your checklist? No homeowner wants to experience fire or water damage, and there are some fall maintenance steps you can do to reduce this risk.

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