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24 Hour Emergency Services

(603) 641-6555

Tag: fire prevention

How to Protect a Vacant Building During COVID-19

How to Protect a Vacant Building During COVID-19

Managing commercial properties during the COVID-19 crisis is a challenge. Buildings from schools to offices to churches currently sit empty. A vacant property is vulnerable to theft, vandalism and property damage. The challenge with a vacant building is that any damage can go overlooked for an extended period of time. All commercial building managers must take extra precautions to protect their real estate assets. Thinking of things such as security, inspection processes, utility management...

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Space Heater

Be Aware of These Home Heat Sources for Fire and Smoke Damage Prevention

A fire can develop and spread very quickly in a home.  Many homeowners may be putting their home at risk through everyday actions and not even realize it.  In some cases the fire and smoke damage could have been prevented if the homeowner was aware of heat sources in the home that could be increasing their risk. 

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Emergency Disaster Cleanup - Hudson, NH

Emergency Disaster Cleanup – Hudson, NH

Has a fire or flood damaged your property? Do you have a mold infestation or biohazard emergency? Call the emergency disaster cleanup experts at Soil-Away – 603-641-6555. Soil-Away has been serving the greater Hudson, NH area since 1990 and is family owned and operated. Here is a quick story of how we recently helped a Hudson homeowner recover from fire damage.

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fire damage cleanup and restoration NH

Fire Safety Tips for Fall

Autumn is upon us. It seems like only yesterday the summer season was in full bloom; warm days, lazy summer nights, picnics, cookouts and fun in the park; the kids out for summer vacation. It was a glorious experience. But now it’s almost over, the kids are back in school and we seem to be mourning the end of summer right along with them. Don’t despair! Summer will be back before you know it. For now we need to prepare for fall. There are many things that are awaiting us in the fall season;...

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safety issues after a fire nh

Safety Issues After a House Fire

An unattended frying pan erupted in flames; faulty wiring ravaged your house burning everything in its way; your chimney failed sending soot backflowing into your home. Any one of these scenarios could have been what caused such devastation. The bottom line is that your home was damaged by fire. Whether it was contained to one room or traveled to other areas; you still have a mess on your hands. The fire was extinguished, but your problems are far from over. You are now plagued with smoke...

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Kitchen & Cooking Fires - Soil-Away

How to Protect Your Valuables in the Event of a Fire or Flood

When disaster strikes your home, it can leave a trail of devastation behind. But the real gut-wrenching loss are those valuables that cannot be replaced, whether a family heirloom, photographs or some other memento. While we certainly cannot predict when a fire or flood will hit, there are some steps you can take to protect those items that are most valuable to you.

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Fire in Kitchen

Auburn, NH Family Learns How to Prevent Future Fires in Their Home

Fires can leave a trail of devastation for homeowners, not only with the damage to the home itself but the family’s belongings. While insurance can go a long way to making the homeowner whole again, it can be difficult overcoming the emotional hurdles of losing those sentimental items. As an Auburn, NH family learned after a small fire in their home, it is well worth the effort for every homeowner to take some necessary precautions to prevent house fires.

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storm damage cleanup nh

New England Weather Is Unpredictable: Ensuring Your Home or Business Is Storm-Ready Shouldn't Be

Living in New England, residents are accustomed to the fluctuating temperatures and ever-erratic weather patterns that can bring pop-up storms and unexpected rain showers. Here in the Granite State, snowstorms, wind-driven rain and heat waves are ordinary occurrences, and can sometimes be experienced in the same week! While most New Hampshire (NH) residents are accustomed to the unpredictable New England weather, many home and business owners may not be aware of the steps needed to ensure...

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Fire Damage Restoration Service - Auburn, NH 03032

Fire Damage Restoration Service – Auburn, NH 03032

What do cooking grills, stoves, power cord strips and space heaters all have in common? The ability to produce unwanted flames resulting in the need to utilize a fire damage restoration service. These everyday items can be found in many New Hampshire (NH) homes and businesses, as they add convenience and simplicity to our busy lives. While cooking a family dinner on the stove or plugging-in multiple power cords into a power strips is performed daily without a second thought, a fire emergency...

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fire damage nh

Have a Fireplace? Here is What You Should NOT be Putting in it.

Many New Hampshire residents are staying warm this winter season by loading up their fireplace with the wood they’ve spent all season cutting, and hoping it lasts long enough to burn away the winter blues. While having a fireplace is a great way to keep your home warm during the winter season, do you know what items are safe to burn? Or better yet, what items you shouldn’t burn in your fireplace? This may seem like a very simple question for some, but for others, throwing some of the wood...

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fire damage christmas trees

How to Prevent a Christmas Tree Fire from Setting Your Holidays up in Flames-Part III

The holidays are wrapping up, your in-laws have graciously left until the next family gathering, but not before giving you parental advice or cooking recipes that you will only use for them, and now it’s time to take down the holiday decorations. If you’re anything like me, the Christmas tree will be down before New Year’s Day and your fur-children will go back to chewing the kitchen table legs and area rugs. To ensure your holiday season is wrapped up nicer than the bow on the Christmas...

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