Smoke Odor Removal – Concord, NH
We’ve all dealt with the choking smell of smoke odor. Poker night went a little overtime. You had a small kitchen fire while cooking the Christmas turkey. Your furnace had a slight malfunction, or Lord forbid, an electrical fire ransacked your home. Perhaps you were in the path of a wildfire. Regardless of the cause, the outcomes are all the same; loss, awe, and the stubborn smell of smoke. There can be several sources of noxious smoke odor, but Concord, New Hampshire (NH) residents know to call only one company for smoke odor removal services. That company is Soil-Away Cleaning and Restoration (603-641-6555).
Soot and smoke from puffbacks
It’s a cold day outside. A chill wind can be heard whistling through the trees. You’re nestled in your warm home in Concord, NH. After a while you notice that your home seems a little cooler than it did previously. Eventually, you notice something strange. You can see your breath. You do what comes naturally; inspect the furnace. You press the reset button, it doesn’t help. Again and again the button is pressed. You hear a loud “Bang” and soon your home is filled with soot. Unburned fuel in the heater ignited causing a puffback explosion. Now your home is filled with soot and the stubborn smell of smoke.
Smoke damage from cooking accidents
It’s Christmas, you’re putting the final touches on the dinner with something you cooked on the stove. Suddenly, the grease in the pan ignites, filling it entirely with flame. Luckily, you know how to put it out. But still the odor sticks to the room. While you may have saved Christmas, without much loss, your dinner is still not perfect. You and your guests must endure the smoky sent lingering in the room. The need for professional smoke odor removal services is quite apparent.
Smoke odor from wildfires
You live in a remote area in New Hampshire. Somewhere in the nearby woods, a careless camper leaves a fire burning. It rages out of control and heads toward your lovely home. While your home escapes the damage, it is now filled with the choking smell of smoke.
Smoke odor removal services
Smoke odor removal is challenging task, but fortunately there are some ways to remove these annoying smells. According to FEMA there are solutions. If the exterior of the property is affected pressure wash and disinfect walls, sidewalks, driveways, decks and screens. For the interior of the property a detailed cleaning is necessary. Ceilings, walls, floors and hard surfaces must be washed thoroughly with the proper cleaning solutions. Launder or dry-clean all clothing and soft-goods. Disinfect and deodorize all carpets, drapes/curtains, furniture and mattresses with steam-cleaning equipment. Heating, air-conditioning units and ductwork should be professionally cleaned to remove residues. Do not forget to change filters. Completing the smoke odor removal process often times involves professional ozone treatment which fends off any pesky lingering odor.
Some minor smoke odor situations can be dealt with on your own. However, many property owners start the smoke odor removal cleaning themselves only to find the task too daunting. For bigger jobs, it’s best to get professional help. Soil-Away Cleaning and Restoration Services is here to serve you following a fire or smoke damage situation. An IICRC Master-Certified firm, the highly trained team at Soil-Away is always there when you need them. Contact the restoration professionals at Soil-Away by calling 603-641-6555.
Written by: E. Aceves