Saving Personal Belongings After House Fire
A house fire can be traumatic and stressful for any homeowner. The logistics of recovering from fire damage can be overwhelming. Discovering that your favorite personal belongings and valuables have been damaged by smoke or soot can push anyone to their wits end. It is important for all homeowners in New Hampshire to realize there is a local partner who can help you recover after a house fire. This brief story outlines how Soil-Away’s contents restoration division helped a family save their valued belongings.
NH House Fire
With severe fire damage to their home, one local New Hampshire family was looking to salvage any belongings they could extract from their smoldering house. A lot of the larger items, such as furniture, where destroyed. However, they were able to collect clothing, bags and a few stuffed animals for their kids. They were also able to remove a couple family heirlooms which included a hand-knit afghan. The discouraging part was that everything reeked of smoke. Many of the items also had significant soot damage. The house fire had left the family with very little.
The insurance adjuster working the loss took a proactive approach to helping the family. The adjuster contacted Soil-Away’s contents restoration division to see if they could help. Contents restoration manager, Morgan Lawrence, took the lead. Lawrence and her team worked with the homeowners to inventory all their belongings. All the items were brought to Soil-Away’s contents restoration facility in Hooksett, NH. The restorative cleaning process began immediately.
Recovering from a House Fire
The family visited Soil-Away’s facility a few days later. Lawrence reviewed many of the items that had been cleaned. The homeowners were amazed at the results. They thought they were going to have to throw away all of their valued belongings. Their clothes, bags, blankets and even the stuffed animals had all been saved by Soil-Away. The soot damage was gone. The smoke odor did not exist anymore. This was the family’s first major step of progress in the house fire recovery process.
House fires occur on regular basis here in the United States. According to the National Fire Protection Association’s latest statistics, there were 369,500 house fires in 2013. These fires racked up 6.8 billion dollars of damages. If you or someone you know has sustained a house fire, contact the fire damage restoration professionals at Soil-Away. Soil-Away services south/central New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts.