Prevent Property Damage During Hurricane Season
Hurricane season, which runs from the first of June through the end of November, is well underway. In New England the peak season for hurricanes is during the month of September. From storm damage as a result of high winds to rising water levels and coastal surges, it isn’t unusual to experience property damage from hurricanes this time of year. Those living on the coasts are particularly vulnerable to damage from a hurricane. However, everyone should take some necessary precautions when one of these powerful storms is passing through.
The following are precautions to take before a hurricane to minimize damage to your property and your residence:
Bring lawn furniture, garbage cans, and other outdoor items inside. During high winds that can reach up to 75 mph, these items can blow away or act as a missile to damage your home or someone else’s property. Bringing them indoors to the garage or basement can ensure that they are secured in place.
Cover windows. Prevent glass from shattering in the windows by covering them with shutters, plywood or some other shield secured over the window. A common misconception is that applying masking tape on the windows will prevent the glass from breaking.
Trim trees. Before the threat of a hurricane, it is a good idea to inspect your trees. Trim any limbs that are dead or hanging over your property. During a storm, these limbs can easily break and cause significant damage to your property when they fall.
Inspect the roof. Loose or missing shingles can become a big problem during a hurricane. These can easily blow away. This not only does significant damage to the roof, but it also leaves your home vulnerable to rainwater leaking in and damaging your property.
Protect property from flood damage. If you have areas of your home that are prone to flooding, remove items in these areas from low levels. Unplug all electronics, moving these to higher ground also. If your basement is prone to flooding or if you live on a coastal property, consider piling sandbags outside against the home to act as a barrier against the water.
Surge protection to protect appliances. A nearby power surge can wreak havoc on electronics and appliances that are plugged in. It isn’t usually an option to unplug everything. Investing in a surge protector to make sure that your electronics and appliances are not damaged during a power surge can protect this property if an electrical disruption does occur.
Create an inventory. Documenting the items in your home of value before the storm hits can go a long way if your property is damaged. This can be as simple as taking a photograph on your phone of each room of the home. If your items are damaged during the hurricane, this will make the insurance claims process much smoother.
If your home is damaged by a hurricane, the restoration teams at Soil-Away are here to help. With professionals on call 24/7, the Soil-Away teams can respond quickly when disaster hits. Contact Soil-Away at 603-641-6555.