Mold Removal Services – Derry, NH
Maureen returned to her Derry, New Hampshire apartment from a short vacation. She had spent a week visiting her family back home. It was her mother’s birthday and she hadn’t seen her in a while. When she entered her apartment complex she noticed a strange odor. A musty scent penetrated her nostrils. Putting her luggage into her bedroom, she headed to her phone and called her landlord, Gary. She told him about the smell. After pondering for a moment they both figured out what the smell was…it was the putrid odor of mold. Mold removal services were needed.
Initially they wondered where the mold odor could be coming from. Maureen put it together. A few months ago the apartment had been the victim of a burst water pipe. But the place had been cleaned up by the maintenance staff. Could they have missed something? Were they not thorough enough? Her heart sank. Gary told her not to worry. He was going to do some research and try to find someone who could provide good mold removal services at the Derry property.
Mold growth in a property
Mold can grow anywhere that is moist and humid; places that are not sufficiently ventilated; where air doesn’t circulate properly; and that has a food source, such as drywall. Basically, mold is caused by elevated moisture. Whether it’s a ruptured pipe or a small leak that causes damage over time, the end result is typically mold. Clearly, the mold problem in the complex was the result of inadequate water damage cleanup by the maintenance staff. The solution was to look for mold removal services that could eliminate the mold problem. Gary headed to his computer in hopes of finding a company that could help him. His research led him to Soil-Away. They are a highly trained cleaning and restoration company with over 25 years of satisfactory service. Still, he remained puzzled at how mold grew after the water damage was supposed to have been eliminated.
Avoiding mold after water damage
When cleaning up after water damage, it’s required to dry areas completely so mold doesn’t set in. Using high-tech equipment, Soil-Away would have determined the dry standard for the apartment and made sure it was completely dry. They would have used dehumidifiers to dry the apartment so mold couldn’t form.
Calling in professionals for mold removal services
After speaking with Soil-Away for a while, Gary found that Soil-Away is one of the best mold removal services. But that’s not all; they also specialize in fire damage, storm damage, and water damage cleanup. He could have kicked himself for letting the incapable maintenance crew clean up the water damage in ther first place. They were not equipped enough to handle the cleanup. Gary knew better this time. He couldn’t do much about the past, but he could hire Soil-Away to remove the mold. Soil-Away did an excellent job of getting rid of mold and restoring the apartment to almost new. Gary and his tenants could now rest easy. For your mold problems, call Soil-Away 24/7 at 603-641-6555.
Written by E. Aceves