Mold Removal in Attic – Bedford, NH 03110
It was a Thanksgiving night when a Bedford, NH dad decided to go up to the attic to retrieve the Christmas decorations. As he opened the hatch to the attic, he got a strange whiff of a musty odor coming from somewhere in the darkness. He pulled the light switch to uncover a horrible and horrendous sight. Black mold had begun to collect in clusters on the attic ceiling. He climbed down the stairs to retrieve his phone to contact someone for assistance in eliminating the problem. There was instant concern because he didn’t know how long the population of fungi had been growing. It was right above his family’s head and he was scared for their safety. He quickly shut the door to the attic and did a quick search on his phone for a local restoration company who performs mold removal in attic services.
That’s when he found Soil-Away. By contacting the emergency 24/7 restoration crew, he was able to receive an immediate evaluation and a plan of action for the mold removal in attic. When the professional crew arrived for the evaluation they immediately smelled the sudden onslaught of microbial growth. They quickly identified the black stains the customer was so concerned about. The dad was reassured that the problem would be fixed very soon was and advised that the family should stay away from the affected area until the attic was completely restored back to safe conditions.
Mold removal in attic restoration process
The mold remediation team began the process of mold removal by securing the floor with a plastic sheet covering to protect it against cross contamination. After this step was completed, the negative air filtration system was set up to help remove all toxic mold spores from the air while the crew worked to remove the substance from the wooden structure. The next step in the removal process was to blast the contaminants into oblivion. Using a dry ice pressure gun that released pellets at 110 degrees below zero, they were able to quickly release all mold spores from their food source (the wooden structure beams) and the negative air machine captured the remainder spores that were left in the atmosphere and released clean breathable air back into the attic. After dry-ice blasting, the crew HEPA vacuumed and cleaned the space with an anti-microbial cleaning agent. The final step was to apply a clear coating to the once infected area to help resist future potential mold growth. The mold removal in attic was a success.
Prevention is key
If there is suspicion of mold growth anywhere in the home or office, a professional should be contacted immediately. It is better to be safe than sorry when dealing with a potentially hazardous substance such as mold. Whether the job calls for a mold removal in an attic, basement, or any room in between a professional certified contractor like Soil-Away can help in restoring the area back to normal. Of course, when it comes to dealing with mold, the best course of action is always prevention. Due to the nature of mold, an individual cannot visually recognize the species of fungi without viewing it through a microscope. This is why it’s imperative to quickly remove and treat water loss before the microscopic organisms begin to call your home or place of business their kingdom. It is true that mold spores are all around us in our atmosphere. That cannot be changed nor should it be, but without a wet environment, these nasty organisms cannot take over your home and cause respiratory and other health concerns to you and your family.
Soil-Away is on your side
For professional grade restoration of mold removal in attics, basements or any room in your home or building, please contact Soil-Away’s Cleaning and Restoration team at (603) 641-6555.
written by M. Wilson