Mold Remediation Contractor – Bow, NH
Finding the right mold remediation contractor to service Bow, New Hampshire (NH) can be a daunting task. In doing research, consumers will find several options. There will be everything from large national franchises to small mom-and-pop operations. Some companies are great while others leave much to be desired. One recent client was very pleased when they hired Soil-Away. Their initial experience looking for a mold remediation contractor was less than pleasant. Soil-Away turned the whole experience into a positive. This case study outlines their story.
Need for Mold Remediation Contractor
The family had inherited the Bow estate. It belonged in the family for many years, but had been vacant for about ten months. Legalities and logistics had delayed the family’s ability to access the property. Many issues developed while the house was empty. Pipes had leaked in the finished basement. This led to extensive mold contamination. The family needed a professional mold remediation contractor. They were moving in from out-of-state and did not know any contractors. They saw an advertisement for “mold remediation contractor” posted on the bulletin board of the local grocery store. They decided to call.
Two days later a rusted green van with a magnetic sign on the door pulled into the stone driveway. Smoke poured from the exhaust as it limped towards a parking spot in front of the Bow estate. “This could not be the mold remediation contractor we called,” thought the homeowner as she peered through the custom window blinds. Low-and-behold, a man exited the van as aluminum cans fell out of the cab. Holding a metal clipboard and sporting a stained white t-shirt, the man approached the front door. “Hello Mrs. Customer. You called for a mold remediation contractor?” The story did not progress much further than this. Needless to say, Mrs. Customer did not end up hiring this company.
Choosing the Right Mold Remediation Contractor
The family had to go back to the drawing board. This time they would screen their prospective mold remediation contractors more carefully. It did not take the family long before they discovered Soil-Away Cleaning & Restoration. The company was located in bordering Hooksett with close proximity to Bow. Soil-Away met all their other criteria. The company had been in business for over 25 years with a great reputation. It was family owned and not a franchise. They were fully insured and certified to perform the mold remediation services. The real proof would be when the estimator arrived. They were still struggling to get over their first experience with the horrible “mold remediation contractor” they found through the grocery store advertisement.
Fortunately, this story has a happy ending for the Bow family. The Soil-Away estimator arrived on time. The vehicle was professionally labeled. The friendly estimator had a company uniform on with an identification badge. The first impression put the family at peace. The experience only got better from there. Soil-Away was hired as the mold remediation contractor for this Bow, NH project. The crews spent a week remediating the mold from the basement. The house was cleaned from top to bottom removing any concerns of mold contamination. Soil-Away helped the family recover from a mold disaster.