How To Prevent Frozen Pipes
One of the most challenging times that your home will face as a New England homeowner is the winter. There are lots of things that you can do beforehand to ensure that your home is ready for the challenge, and you should absolutely do them to prevent any big problems from forming. Frozen pipes are a costly problem to have, so the best thing you can do is to try to prevent them before they happen. But what precautions can you take to ensure that your pipes don’t freeze during the wintertime? We give you our expert tips below!
Secure Your Outdoor Faucets and Valves
Preventing frozen pipes is a practice that revolves around learning how they form in the first place. The more access that cold air can get to your interior pipes, the more likely it is that they’ll freeze! One of the most common points of entry for this cold air is the faucets and valves in your home’s exterior. Let’s say you have an outdoor hose that you use. You’ll want to disconnect the hose and seal off the pipe entrance before it gets too cold. You should be able to use an indoor valve to shut off and drain the water leading to these valves as well!
Insulate Your Pipes
Especially in a weather climate like New England’s, where freezing and below-freezing temperatures are common around the winter, you’ll want to ensure that your pipes have the proper insulation. If you have any exposed pipes within your attic or any other room in the house, it pays to pad them with insulation. Exposed pipes are the ones that are most likely to freeze, so insulating them will prevent this problem from happening. The more padding it has, the better off you’ll be!
Don’t Lower The Thermostat At Night
This doesn’t mean that you should keep your home incredibly hot at night! The main point of this tip is not to adjust your temperature too drastically. If you leave your thermostat at the same temperature throughout the day and night, it won’t allow pipes to get colder throughout the night. If you adjust the temperature in the morning after your pipes have already frozen, they may burst – which is far more costly than a few dollars on the heating bill! Keeping your temperature consistent will help to prevent this issue.
Frozen Pipe Damage Restoration With Soil-Away
If you’ve experienced the issue of a frozen or burst pipe in your home, you may think the damage is too devastating to return the space to normal. Soil-Away is here 24/7/365! We’ll help to restore your space to its previous condition, leaving no signs of damage in our wake. Our services have saved many homes from the brink of disaster, and we can help your home avoid the worst-case scenario. If you’re dealing with a frozen pipe, contact us today to fix it!