How To Keep Your Home’s Foundation Healthy
While the spring months tend to signal the end of winter’s harsh temperatures and the beginning of more desirable weather, there are some less desirable things that the season brings with it. All that rainfall is the perfect formula for water damage wreaking havoc on your home! The one area that you don’t want this issue to affect is your home’s foundation. Not only is this costly to repair, but it can also be prone to water damage in the right conditions! With these considerations in mind, what are the best ways to keep your home’s foundation healthy? We give you our best tips below!
Monitor Your Garden and Shrubs
Protecting your home’s foundation involves maintaining the landscape around your property as well! The main thing you need to worry about here is drainage. Trees, shrubs, and other plant life have roots and drainage routes that go beyond what you can see on the surface. Depending on where these roots grow, they could lead the drainage water right to your home’s foundation! A good rule of thumb is that anything you plant should be at least two feet away from your home. Any root growth or excess water stands less of a chance of affecting the foundation this way.
Stay On Top Of Plumbing Issues
You may not think that your home’s foundation and its plumbing have any connection to each other, but they actually do! Any kind of plumbing issue you’ll experience in your home has to do with moisture. Issues like burst pipes directly lead to leaks, which can damage your home’s foundation if they aren’t addressed properly! The best way to prevent damage to your foundation is to seek repairs for any plumbing issues as soon as you notice them. The quicker you act, the healthier your home’s foundation will be!
Maintain Moisture Levels
Having a healthy home foundation means keeping its moisture levels at an equilibrium. Having a foundation that is too dry can also cause it to crack, but you don’t want to overdo it, either. If you live in a drier climate that doesn’t see much rainfall, installing a sprinkler system in the yard can help maintain this balance. On the other hand, if you live in an opposite climate, you’ll want to ensure that any water flows away from the foundation by using the right soil for your yard. The closer you are to harmony, the better off your foundation will be!
Water Damage Restoration with Soil-Away
If your home has suffered water damage, it may feel devastating. Soil-Away is here to tell you that there’s still hope on the horizon! Our team provides complete water damage restoration services to completely restore your space to normal. You won’t even know that any damage occurred! If your home has suffered water damage, fill out our online contact form to be connected with our damage restoration professionals!