Fire Damage Repair- Hampton, NH
Who would have thought that a candle, a cat, and a curtain could do so much damage? The combination of the three did not seem a likely possibility until looking at the situation in hindsight. A major house fire was ultimately the result. A burning candle was knocked over by the house cat. A nearby curtain caught on fire. Half the house was ignited in flames. Smoke billowed from the structure as emergency service personnel battled the raging fire. After what seemed like an eternity, the fire fighters had extinguished the fire. The Hampton, New Hampshire (NH) house was a disaster. Emergency fire damage repair was needed.
The Hampton family was left temporarily homeless. Their house was severely damaged by the fire. The cleanup and repair effort seemed daunting. How would they ever recover? They had more questions than answers. They checked into a local hotel and started looking for solutions. One of the first calls they made was to their insurance company. Fortunately they did have proper insurance coverage for a house fire. Their local insurance agent offered counsel. The agent also warned of “fire chasers.” Chasers are fire damage repair companies that listen to emergency service scanners and arrive at the scene of disasters. A fire chaser’s job is to sign up repair work at the scene of a fire. They pursue and pressure distressed homeowners into using their services. The family’s insurance agent advised that they avoid such firms due to their unethical practices. The family was thankful for this warning.
The issue of securing and repairing the Hampton home was still at hand. Fortunately, the family soon received a phone call from their insurance adjuster. The adjuster assigned to the fire damage repair claim was very helpful. She calmed the family down and reassured them that everything would be alright. She provided three names of reputable fire damage repair companies. The adjuster advised the family that they could select whoever they wanted for the repairs. The family selected Soil-Away Cleaning & Restoration Services from the list. After a quick call to Soil-Away, the fire damage restoration crew was on the way to Hampton.
Soil-Away met the family at their fire damaged home. The fire investigators had just finished their analysis. The Hampton Fire Department had cleared the scene. Fire damage repairs could now commence. One of Soil-Away’s first orders of business was to coordinate the board up and tarping of the structure. They also gave the family an overview of the process. Soil-Away would handle many of the details with the insurance company directly. This would take a lot of the stress of the situation off of the family’s shoulders. They were very appreciative. They were even more appreciative when Soil-Away performed emergency cleaning of some of their smoke damaged clothing. Soil-Away picked up three large laundry bags worth of necessities. The items were cleaned with their Esporta Wash System and returned to the family within 24 hours. This small gesture when a long way in the mental recovery process of the family.
For the next three weeks Soil-Away crews dedicated themselves to the Hampton fire damage repair project. Charred and damage building materials were disposed of. Soot and smoke damaged items were cleaned. The entire structure was deodorized. Complete rebuild services were also performed. Twenty-one days from the date of the fire, the family was moving back in. The fire damage repairs were completed. They were whole again. It was a great day for the Hampton family.