Emergency Water Extraction – Amherst, NH 03031
An Amherst, New Hampshire mother was preparing for her yearly Easter dinner with her family. She was excited because this year, her in-laws would be coming into town to have dinner with them. As she went to remove the ice trays from the freezer, she noticed that the floor was wet beneath her feet. She wasn’t surprised; the freezer had been leaking for months now but she didn’t want to be bothered with hiring a repairman to fix the problem so she resorted to her usual method of “emergency water extraction” when the freezer started leaking; she grabbed a big towel and wrapped it around the base of the refrigerator. But this time, as she went to mop up the wet floor with the towel, she spotted water stains on the wall behind the refrigerator as well.
She realized that this could possibly create a much bigger problem and called for her husband to inspect the damage. Her husband advised that they call for professional help immediately before the problem gets out of hand. He decided on Soil-Away’s cleaning and restoration team to help restore the water damage.
When in doubt, call a professional for emergency water extraction
Sometimes the best solution is to just seek a professional. In this case, it was a good idea for the Amherst residents to seek Soil-Away for evaluation. It turned out that because the woman failed to seek help with repairing a faulty hose on the refrigerator, it cost them more in repairing a category-one water damage to the kitchen wall.
Category one water loss is described as clean water coming from appliances such as refrigerators, washers and hot water heaters. This water loss can potentially be dangerous if left untreated for 48-72 hours. Typically, air conditioners and fans aren’t powerful enough to remove all the excessive water. As a measure of safety, it’s a good idea to contact a professional restoration team for help in performing a thorough emergency water extraction. You don’t want a simple water leak to turn into a major infestation of mold growth.
Evaluation and water loss restoration process
Emergency water extraction may be determined as the appropriate course of action after the certified mitigation expert has used their thermal imaging cameras and moisture meters to detect water presence in floors, walls, and baseboards. Soil-Away’s restoration team removed all affected material and applied an antibacterial spray to eliminate the possibility of mold growth before bringing the area back to pre-existing condition. If the situation calls for soft material restoration, the company will also clean, sanitize and dry personal items such as clothing, shoes, stuffed animals, coats, and jackets by using their Esporta Wash System. This will ensure that no long-term damage persists with personal items.
Who do you call when flood damage strikes?
If you have experienced a water loss and need professional grade restoration services, contact Soil-Away at (603) 641-6555 and the team of experts will perform an emergency water extraction to bring your home, office or business back to normal. Don’t wait until mold spores make your home into their kingdom.
written by M. Wilson