Electrical Fire Damage Cleanup – Nashua, NH
As you meander within your home in Nashua, NH, your nose catches the slight scent of smoke. Panicked, you run around the house, trying to find where it’s coming from. Then you hear a loud sparking sound. You rush to its source to find the room enveloped in flames. You call the emergency number, and soon enough, the firefighters arrive, extinguish the fire, then depart. In the aftermath, you let out a sigh as you now must contend with, what you observed, the electrical fire damage. The task of electrical fire damage cleanup is a tedious task. Not just damaged or lost property, but also the scar that is left behind in the wake of the fire. Having good insurance coverage will come in handy should a fire occur.
Getting started with electrical fire damage cleanup
The place is a mess and you attempt to fathom how to go about the process of electrical fire damage cleanup and ridding the place of the scent of smoke. The main thing to do is to hire a professional disaster restoration company to assess and help clean up the damage. However, if you are unable to do so, then never fear. There are some ways to clean up after an electrical fire. Once you are able to safely re-enter the building, open the windows, turn on any fans you might have. The point is to air out the room to eliminate what smoke is left in the place. Any wet items must be dried as well.
Addressing soot and smoke marks on the walls
Fire damage will leave its mark, even if the building is mostly intact. Spots of soot remain on the walls, a reminder of what happened. Before trying to clean up the damage, wear some safety gear, including ways to protect your nose, mouth, eyes and skin from the remnants of the fire that could enter your body, like ash. Wearing gloves and goggles is also recommended. The best way to remove the soot is to wipe and/or vacuum it off of the walls. Some of it will be loose, so take care of those first by using a dry chemical sponge, then proceed to eliminate the soot that remains. Electrical fire damage cleanup is a tedious process and may not realistically be a do-it-yourself project.
After cleaning up the soot
Once the walls are done, you need to assess the clothes and other household items that were damaged in the electrical fire. While some of it will be beyond repair and must be discarded, the rest can be cleaned out, though some items may never return to their original state because of the damage. For clothes, it depends on the type of fabric, which changes what you use when you put them in the washing machine. As for other household items, it is necessary to use other items such as vacuum cleaners to do the job. While you’re at it, you need to deodorize the household items as well. If you cannot handle the contents cleaning yourself, call Soil-Away’s team of Esporta Certified Operators to restore your textiles and soft contents.
In the event that your Nashua, NH household has fire damage, be it electrical or otherwise, Soil-Away can provide you with the restoration services that you need. As an organization specializing in cleaning, restoration and repairs after floods and fires, you can contact us at any time at 603-641-6555.
Written by O. Roberts