Carpet Cleaning- Concord, NH
Spring had finally arrived in southern New Hampshire and the entire community was busy transitioning seasons. A Concord family of four was eagerly packing away their snow suits, winter boots, and sweaters. The father and two young sons just finished lugging the winter storage bins to the basement. They were transitioning their focus to the outside to rid the yard of leftover leaves from the fall and sweeping up accumulated sand from the winter.
Inside the mother was going through the family spring cleaning check list. It was nearing an end and the time to call the professionals was here. Every year the family hired Soil-Away to perform annual carpet cleaning for their Concord residence. Between the two active boys and their friends, the carpets build up significant dirt, spills, and odor over the course of the year. The Soil-Away carpet cleaning team had been performing annual service for over twelve years now. Every year the carpets were rejuvenated and bounced back following the cleaning.
As the wife pulls her Soil-Away magnet off the refrigerator, her two sons run through the front door. The older is loudly chasing the younger up the stairs. She turns the corner out of the kitchen to tell them to slow it down. Glaringly obvious is the trail of footprints on each carpeted stair showing off the fresh spring Concord mud. Mom just shakes her head and smiles. She cannot call Soil-Away quick enough to schedule her carpet cleaning.