Be Aware of These Home Heat Sources for Fire and Smoke Damage Prevention
A fire can develop and spread very quickly in a home. Many homeowners may be putting their home at risk through everyday actions and not even realize it. In some cases the fire and smoke damage could have been prevented if the homeowner was aware of heat sources in the home that could be increasing their risk.
As an informed homeowner, you can take the necessary precautions to prevent a fire in your home and the resulting damage that goes along with this. The following are heat sources that you should be aware of, practicing care and vigilance.
Clear space away from space heaters, fireplaces and stoves.
Never keep paper, clothing, rugs or other flammable items near these types of heat sources. All items should be kept a minimum of three feet away to prevent these from igniting.
Never leave portable heaters and fireplaces unattended.
These can be a great source of heat for your home in the winter, but they can also increase your risk of a fire in the home. Never leave these heat sources unattended, and always unplug portable heaters when going to bed, make sure that fires are all extinguished completely.
Install a glass or metal screen in the fireplace.
This barrier will ensure that the fire stays in the fireplace. A screen will reduce the risk of a spark igniting outside of the fireplace or a rolling log catching other areas of the home.
Inspect fireplaces and chimneys annually.
Prior to using the fireplace each year, have a professional inspect the chimney. This will ensure that the flue is running and no animals have made nests in the chimney when it wasn’t in use. A professional can also inspect the area for structural damage and air leaks.
Give space around the hot water heater.
Like any other heat source, you should have plenty of open space surrounding the hot water heater. The unit can heat up to very high temperatures, which can cause flammable objects left too close to ignite.
Invest in a space heater with automatic shut-off.
Newer models of space heaters have an emergency cut-off that will shut the unit off if it is accidentally knocked over. This added security feature can make a big difference in the risk of a fire in your home.
Do not heat your home with an oven.
Ovens were not designed to be on for extended period of times and should never be used as the primary source for supplying heat to a home.
Being aware of the many heat sources in your home and taking extra precautions around these areas, can go a long way to preventing a fire.
If a fire does strike your residence, the team at Soil-Away is available 24/7 to address any smoke or fire damage, restoring your home. Call Soil-Away at 603-641-6555.