Air Duct Cleaning- Manchester, NH
The tree-lines streets of Manchester’s north end were coming alive with activity. Bitter winter temperatures are now a distant memory. Once hibernating residents are emerging from their Manchester homes and ready to enjoy the warmer season. One couple goes for a walk with their two young children in tow. They cannot help but notice the numerous contractors doing work. Most of the houses in the neighborhood were built in the late-1800s and always demanded repairs. Two streets down one house is getting a new roof. The next block boasts a Victorian home receiving and updated paint job. The family stops at a friend’s house to say hi and notices a Soil-Away Air Duct Cleaning truck in the driveway.
The all-too-curious husband invites himself into his friend’s house as he opens the front door. He is greeted by the uniformed Soil-Away Air Duct Cleaning technicians who were bringing tools and equipment back out to the truck. They had just completed cleaning the entire HVAC duct system in the Manchester home. Three floors and twenty-five vents later, the house had been relieved of seasons worth of accumulated dust and debris in the air ducts. The intruding husband thought he could detect the improvement in air quality in the 120 year-old house. He quickly requested a business card from the duct cleaning technician and resumed his mission of finding his friend.
Out back the homeowner was putting the final touches on a new swing set. He had to kill time outside while Soil-Away finished the air duct cleaning inside. Putting the rusted wrench down he turns and notices his friend coming through the back door. A quick greeting is exchanged. This is followed by nods of approval as they looked over the new toy. In the background a truck engine starts up. The Soil-Away duct cleaning crew is off to their next Manchester job. As the truck pulls away, both families join together in the backyard to enjoy the warm weather and swing set.