How to Prevent a Christmas Tree Fire from Setting Your Holidays up in Flames-Part III
The holidays are wrapping up, your in-laws have graciously left until the next family gathering, but not before giving you parental advice or cooking recipes that you will only use for them, and now it’s time to take down the holiday decorations. If you’re anything like me, the Christmas tree will be down before New Year’s Day and your fur-children will go back to chewing the kitchen table legs and area rugs. To ensure your holiday season is wrapped up nicer than the bow on the Christmas presents, your friends at Soil-Away have composed a few helpful tips on how to properly dispose of your real Christmas tree.
How to Properly Dispose Your Christmas Tree
Once the holidays have begun to wind-down and your house begins to resemble more of, well, a house, it is now time to dispose of your real Christmas tree. However, it is important not to wait until your tree is completely dried-out before disposing of it, as the drier the tree is, the more likely it is to cause a fire. To properly dispose of your Christmas tree:
- Take off all decorations including: lights, ornaments, tinsel, candy and any other items you used to decorate your tree.
- Once the tree is free of decorations, and is removed from the tree stand, cut the tree into 4 ft. portions for easier removal.
- Once the tree is cut into smaller sizes, cover it with either a blanket or garbage bag to avoid any sap or needles from getting on your floors or carpet.
- Arrange with your waste management curbside service for them to remove your Christmas tree from the curb.
Keep the holiday season less stressful this year by disposing of your real Christmas tree properly, and knowing the preventative safety measures to reduce the risk of a Christmas tree fire at any time. However, in the unfortunate event that your Christmas tree does end up causing smoke or soot damage to your home, contact the restoration experts at 603-641-6555.
Written by: K. Gnatowski