Mold problems in the home – Epping, NH
If you are suffering from mold problems in the home please call the mold remediation specialists at Soil-Away Cleaning & Restoration – 603-641-6555. Soil-Away services all of southern NH including towns such as Epping, Exeter, Raymond and Portsmouth.
I think I have mold, but I can’t see it
Many people suspect there is something wrong with their indoor environment, but cannot pin-point it. They may suffer from excessive allergies or detect irritating odors which alert them to a potential problem. A common conclusion is that there must be mold problems in the home. Before making an assumption about mold damage, there are steps you can take to help identify the issue.
Do you know of any water intrusion or water damage at your home? This would be the most obvious source of a potential mold damage issue. Mold cannot grow without a source of moisture. Perhaps a roof leak in the attic or a dripping pipe under a sink. A crack in the foundation or aging window could also be a source of water intrusion. Typically, if these issues exists and are not remedied for a period of time they can lead to mold problems in the home. Mold can hide behind walls and cabinets or under carpets and wood floors. Find the water damage and it will likely lead you to your mold problem.
How can I get rid of the mold myself?
Once mold problems in the home are discovered many consumers want to know if they can get rid of the mold by themselves. The answer is “yes” you are allowed to, but is it the best idea? You can do anything to your home you want to, but you should consider several questions prior to taking on a DIY mold remediation project.
- What are the health and safety risks to me and building occupants?
- How large is this project and does it have the potential to expand beyond my capabilities?
- Am I fixing the source of the mold damage or just treating the symptoms?
- Do I have the tools and know the techniques to complete this properly?
- Once I am done, how do I know it is done correctly?
There are professionals to help you with mold problems in the home
Many smart residents of Epping turn to specialists to help them with mold problems in the home. There are two types of professionals that you can utilize when it comes to mold damage or suspected mold growth at your property. One is a mold inspection company and the other is a mold remediation company.
A mold inspector may go by other titles such as industrial hygienist, indoor air quality specialist or indoor environmental consultant. The goal of the inspection is to verify the existence, types and levels of mold and to create a scope for removing it. A mold remediation company will be hired to remove the mold damage and bring the property back to a safe state. The two specialists, when used together, provide a checks and balances system to make sure you eliminate the mold damage in the home. No one firm should offer both services because it is a conflict of interest.