Hurricane Season: 4 Strategies to Defend Against Storm Damage
According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the official Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th. Approximately 78% of the peak tropical activity occurs in August, September, and October. Knowing what volatile and destructive weather is potentially ahead, it would be wise to strategize and implement a game plan to deal with potential disasters. The goal of New Hampshire and Massachusetts residents should be to minimize property water and storm damage and maximize safety for your family and/or business. The Insurance Information Institute stated that 10 of the 12 costliest hurricanes in U.S. history have hit over the past decade. These large storms have produced over $135 billion in insurance damage. The below tips are designed to get you on the right path to protect yourself from costly water, wind, and storm damage.
1) Examine Your Insurance- Take the time to learn about what you insurance policy covers and doesn’t cover. We suggest sitting down with a trusted, local insurance agent to discuss your coverage. Standard home insurance policies do not always cover flood damage. You want to make sure you have the right insurance for water, flood, and storm damage restoration and recovery. Here are some good questions to ask your agent: How much coverage do I have to replace/rebuild my home? What kind of coverage do I have for additional living expenses? What kind of coverage do I have for my belongings? What are the exclusions to my policy?
2) Inventory Your Stuff- Like most people, there is a good chance you own more “stuff” than you think. You likely have more valuables than you realize. What if you were to lose it all because of storm damage? There is no way you could recall every item in your home. We highly recommend performing a home inventory, specifically pertaining to the valuables or sentimental items. One resource to help you perform this task is www.knowyourstuff.org.
3) Scan Your Yard- Flying projectiles during a storm cause a lot of damage. This could include anything from tree branches to lawn furniture. If your property contains trees, it is advisable to consult with an arborist to identify potential threats. Something as simple as regular tree pruning and maintenance can go a long way in mitigating damage threats. Also make sure to clear your yard of furniture, decorations, and other objects that have the potential to become airborne during severe winds.
4) Inspect Your Home- Roof leaks and basement water intrusion are the two of the most common sources of property damage during storms. If you have an older roof or one that has a history of leaks, definitely have a qualified roofing contractor take a look. Make the necessary repairs to your roof to avoid water damage. Installing a sump pump is a common defense mechanism against basement water damage for New Hampshire and Massachusetts residents. This simple tool can help you combat rising water levels that could invade your home.
If you or someone you know has sustained water, wind, or storm damage at their property, rest assured Soil-Away Cleaning & Restoration is available 24/7 to help you recover. Our emergency services mitigate water damage and help you get back on your feet. We serve Manchester, NH; Nashua, NH; Concord, NH; Laconia, NH; Portsmouth, NH; Lowell, MA; Haverhill, MA and the surrounding communities. Soil-Away works with all national and local insurance carriers and will help you navigate the claims process.